How often do we truly count our blessings like the old hymn says? As our days flash before us, do you ever pause to think of the tiny blessings that God puts in your path? This is a thought I’ve been having quite often.
It has been such a blessing to be where God has called Paul and I for this season of our life. Over and over he has blessed us greatly, but as the days go by, it is easy (for me) to focus on the routine and mundane of what tomorrow holds instead of being thankful for what lies right in front of me. So in January, I started the year off by recording blessings from each day. Sometimes it was the small blessings and other times the big blessings. Taking note of these blessings each day has been a great reminder to me of the Lord’s faithfulness. We have so many reasons to be thankful for the blessings the Lord has given us.
I think it is interesting that in the hymn, the blessings are often found in our struggle, burden, discouragement, and doubt. It’s so important to know that we STILL experience his blessings in hard things in life. God IS faithful in our mountain top experiences and our valley lows.
On good days and bad days, I’ve been able to see God’s blessings. When Paul and I first arrived in Gracias, adjusting was hard as we were adapting to a new lifestyle and new normal. But, I am truly grateful for those first few months of living in Honduras because of the growth that took place in my marriage, my relationships with others, and my relationship with the Lord. I see now that the struggle was worth it and that God used the struggle to bring us a blessing in the end.
I am thankful that he causes the sun to rise, and uses his creation to paint a new picture each day. He has blessed me through my husband, Paul, and through bringing us to serve with 61 Isaiah Ministries. We have been blessed in the provision of our home and surrounding community. We are blessed by the faces of those we meet and build relationships with. We are blessed and thankful for the friendships God has given us here and back in the US. Even more, I am thankful for a Father who sees and who knows what is best.
I want to live my life recognizing His goodness and faithfulness. God didn’t have to bless me with these things and for that reason, I want to live my life counting those blessings for all my life. I want to live my life in full praise, thankfulness, awe, and wonder of His blessings that he chooses to give each day. I don’t want to miss God because I’m too focused on the day-to-day. Even in the struggle, doubt, discouragement, and burdens, I face I will choose to see His blessings. Will you?
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