Jesus saved us and called us to make disciples of all nations. He also made each of us and placed us where we are with a purpose. Some are called to other places to serve, but no matter where we find ourselves we are called to make disciples and be ambassadors for God.
Many times we think of mission work only being in far away places or remote villages. While this is important, also as important are the moments many see as normal routine. This last week, Abigail (my wife) and I went to do some common errands around town. When one’s wife tells him he needs a haircut, he gets a haircut, so, we went to our friend Dimas’s barber shop. I have gone there plenty of times during my tenure in Honduras and had some good talks with Dimas.
Dimas lives with his two kids and wife; a very different life from the hard life he had before. He cuts hair all day long in his little barber shop. Many members of our ministry go to him normally, and this give us chances to get to know him.
I sat down in the chair to lose some hair and Abigail struck up a conversation with him. Dimas had some good points and some good questions– which led to my wife sharing the gospel with him #proudhusband. By the time we left, we had some good talks with him about God’s grace and help in life. Dimas, however, told us he was not ready to commit to God yet because he knew it would be a very big commitment. Abigail and I left there and talked about the times before we had shared the Gospel with Dimas. We agreed that even if it took 1,000 times of sharing the Gospel for him to get it, we would keep sharing. Even if Dimas doesn’t decide to believe yet, it is still worth sharing the Gospel.
My point is not that you need to go share the gospel to every person you see at Walmart, but that Jesus is an active and normal part of our lives. If He prompts you to share or act, go for it! He will always be what we need to carry out the mission. Our lives show who He is, even in the smallest of moments, and that is the mission.
Maybe it is at the barber shop or at the table with family, wherever it may be God has placed us where we are with purpose.
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