As you may be able to tell by my blogs, I am passionate about education and I am passionate about children succeeding. One program that has been successful in helping students excel is a mentor program. I will refrain from quoting you all the statistic that show the benefits of this program and suffice it to say that the benefits for mentees range from higher school attendance to lower drug usage to improvement in self esteem. Therefore, this year we started a pilot program to see how a mentor program would work at our school. We started with 10 juniors and seniors as mentors who were recommended by their teachers and approved by the administration. The mentees range from 1st-7th grade. It has been great to see the excitement the younger kids have when they see their mentors as well how proud the older kids are of their “little brothers and sisters.” I am excited to see how this program grows and makes a difference in both the younger and older kids.