My life has been full of changes, changes that were hard at first, quite messy in the middle, but gorgeous at the very end.
I moved from a public elementary school to a bilingual private high school (ALCS) when I was around 12. High school was a challenge itself, but then having to learn a second language created a bigger challenge. During my time in ALCS, I met amazing people that poured knowledge, love, kindness, and last but not least a desire to change my way of living for a greater purpose than myself. This last one began when I started working with the ministry as a translator, leading to eventually shifting from being a hearer to becoming a doer of the word. There my life started to change little by little. I started to change the way I saw people, the way I interacted with people, and the way I cared for people. Overall, high school was full of many good and bad memories, but also full of changes that shaped me into a better teenager not knowing bigger changes awaited me around the corner.

During high school my desire to study abroad was sparked, and I started to focus my energy on that single goal. My family was going through some financial struggles at the time, so paying for college was not even an option. Then, one of the biggest changes in my short life happened. Long story short is that I had been applying to multiple universities and scholarships in the US, and after a couple months of waiting and going through different interviews, God worked. I was accepted into the Walton International Scholarship Program, which offered a full ride to Harding University in Searcy, Arkansas. This was the time I started to think about my purpose and started praying to God for understanding and discernment.

College changed my life in a way I can’t even describe. Harding was fun; I met unique people from many countries that changed the way I saw the world. I met unique professors that poured book and life knowledge into my life. During 4 years, in contrast, my prayers did not change at all because I kept asking God what was the purpose of me getting an education in a different country. I already knew my way of living was going to be different, and that my family was going to be better off no matter what, but deep down I knew there was a bigger purpose for me. In the spring of 2021, I graduated from Harding with a double major in Finance and Management and came back to Honduras not knowing what was next for my life.
The re-entry phase to Honduras involved a lot of changes, from small changes like not having an AC to bigger changes like having to work for a living. I struggled the first couple of months to adapt to these new changes and yet still did not know my purpose. After working for the government for about 7 months and losing my job due to a change of administration, I was offered a full-time position with 61 Isaiah Ministries, not only as a translator but also as a part of Holloway’s ministry here.
Of course, changes were present in this step, moving from the capital of Honduras to a small town to work in villages. It was at this time that I started to realize that my prayers were being answered. I found myself in the villages walking with people who wanted to change their life for the better and to change the way they glorify God with their finances. Then it clicked. I majored in finance so I have the knowledge, and I work with Jeff and Michelle who combined have more than 50 years of experience in financial and ministry work. How amazing is that!

Working with 61 Isaiah, walking with people in the villages, and doing financial discipleship have shown me why my life has been full of changes. What was a blessing to me once is now a blessing for others. The multiple changes I’ve gone through have shaped me into who I am so that I can be able to connect with people no matter their social status, their educational level, or their life circumstances. All of this is for a greater purpose than myself. Now I find myself helping people, helping to change their way of living and worshiping the Lord through finances.
Changes are challenging, and although many things have changed and continue to change in our lives, God never changes and that should motivate us to continue working for his kingdom.
Peace out, shalom.