Purpose and Vision of the Lenca Hunger Farm
The vision and purpose of the Lenca Hunger Farm is to help those in need by providing the opportunity to work, and empowering individuals to break cycles of poverty.
What are some of the ways we help people?
Work Week
- The vision of the work week is not just to provide short-term assistance but to provide an opportunity to work. The desire to work is a God-given desire. Work is one of the first commandments God gave Adam. Work preceded sin. The toil of labor brings a satisfaction of accomplishment and dignity. By providing an opportunity to work on the farm, individuals are not robbed of their dignity in asking for help. Over the years the ministry has learned that most of the time when there is a food shortage, it is the result of a lack of consistent job opportunities.
- The work week usually consisted of anywhere from 10-20 men swinging machetes, keeping the property clean, and clearing land for future crop sites. The work week was also a great opportunity to minster to and build relationships with the men.
- The cost of the civil marriage is anywhere from 2-3 months salary, assuming the soon-to-be husband has a consistent job. The church wedding can cost an additional 2-3 months salary.
- The ministry made a decision to help couples who want to get married by providing an opportunity to work on the farm for one week in exchange for the ministry paying the majority of fees needed to meet the requirements of marriage. At this time the ministry also decided to upgrade the pig project to include breeding and raising pigs to provide couples who complete the civil marriage a pig to celebrate their church wedding.
What crops do we grow on the farm?
- Corn is one of the main staples of every Honduran meal.
- It is planted in mid June to early July, depending on when the rainy season begins.
- Like corn, beans are also a staple for every Honduran mean.
- It is planted in mid June to early July, depending on when the rainy season begins.
- Our goal is to use the coffee plants as a cash crop for the farm in order to move the farm a step closer to full sustainability.
- Coffee season is from early December to late March
What animals do we have on the farm?
- Baby goats are sent to families in need as a source of milk.
- We also use the goats to keep the property groomed and fertilized.
- One of the main reasons we breed pigs is to help provide people with a meat source.
- They are also used as wedding gifts.
- We use the Tilapia on the farm as both a food source for those who need it as well as a cash crop.
- In the region of Lempira, there are a few small locations that produce fish. We realized there was a viable market and need for a large scale production of fish.
- We use chickens as a reproducible and sustainable food source.
- An additional purpose for the chickens is to sell their eggs to the local community members as a source of funding for the farm.