After living in Central America for about a year and half, Shannon and I have become burdened for the children that live here. We have seen the horrible circumstances that they live in and the lack of future they have. So, after much prayer and thought we have begun the process to adopt a child from here in Honduras. Now that we are Honduran residence the process is slightly easier although in no way simple. After requesting all of the documents we need from various parts of the world, today I received our first official paperwork. Woo-hoo! I still need to collect 15 other documents but at least one down. The whole process will take anywhere from 6 months to 1 ½ years. Please pray for us as we begin this journey. Pray for our family as we begin to adjust to the idea of another child and begin to prepare for them. Pray for the judge that places the child with us (we do not get a choice in which child, this is completely up to the government)- that they would be attuned to whom God wants in our family. Pray for the lawyers, social workers and all involved and that the process will go smoothly. Lastly pray for our future son or daughter- that they would be protected from so many of the harmful things children go through here and that they would be ready to join our family.
Bring my sons from afar and my daughters from the ends of the earth. Isaiah 43:6
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