It is nearing the end of the dry season and it is DRY. Water is being rationed, meaning that the city turns off our water periodically through the day. Our schools tank went dry, leaving the school completely without water (we still had drinking water) and the river where all our water comes from is dry. We have been trying to use as little water as possible so that our tank will not run out, using it only if really needed or otherwise waiting until the city turns our water back on. Not having electricity does not bother me in the least but no water makes me really cranky. As well as it has been over 100* the last couple days and with no air conditioners, it has been miserable. However, as I sit here writing this, I hear thunder in the distance. I am so thankful for this hope of rain as well as the cooler temperatures that it is bringing. I am thankful that I have a tank to use in case of emergencies but mostly that God provides for our needs… and our want of cooler weather.
Sing to the Lord with thanksgiving; make melody to our God on the lyre! He covers the heavens with clouds; he prepares rain for the earth; he makes grass grow on the hills.
Psalm 147:7-8
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