I’m not a fan of stuffed animals. I don’t really have a good reason other than that they seem to always be in the way. I’ve even been known to pass them off to other kids when my own children weren’t looking (don’t judge, I know you have done it too.) So you can imagine everyone’s surprise when I brought home a giant teddy bear. You know, the kind you see in movies, that is as big as a person. What would posses me to go against this uncalled for dislike of stuffed animals? My child needed it. And like any mom, we will do anything to help our children. When Isabella came to our home 4 and half years ago she rarely cried. If she was scared, hurt or upset, she would retreat into a little shell of a person showing no emotion and not moving for hours on end. I longed for the day that she would cry and tell us what was wrong. Months and months later, when those tears and anger came, I would wish for the silence again because boy can she cry… for hours. And then the anger began less frequent but more extreme. Little scratches on her face, pinching her legs, banging her head. It was hard to watch. And so, the giant bear was introduced and given the original name of “Feelings Bear.” He was placed on a mat in her room where she was free to express her anger. He is great at taking the beating. Isabella would sit in his lap and rage until she was ready to do her deep breathing exercises. Sometimes after hearing crying for two consistent hours, I wondered if this “phase” would ever end or if we would hear fits for the rest of her life. But yesterday, she asked if she could give Feelings Bear away. The time has come that she doesn’t rage as often, although we still see tears a little more frequently than most 7 year olds. She no longer needs to hit something to get her anger out, or pull the bear’s fur. Isabella always expresses her emotions loudly. She laughs big, she hugs hard, she cries with her bottom lip sticking out and she wants everyone to know when she is angry. This may never change. I am not sure we want it to. It’s part of who she is. But just as God continues to mold me, as her mother, He is molding her into his character. He is using us to teach her appropriate times for anger and good ways to express this. Correction is never an easy process and we never seem to learn quickly but progress is so sweet when the journey has seemed long.
Enjoy your blog so much, dear friend!! Love and miss you all!
Thank you, Mary. We miss you too!
Thanks for sharing both of these experiences. It helps to know what is going on with you. I was wondering if you were back in Honduras. I have been praying for the healing after the surgery, and for the family being separated. It is good to know you are together.
I have a hard time making the 9:38 prayer time, but do try to remember you each day.
Love, Betty
Thank you for the encouragement, Betty. I got back to Honduras on Friday and am so glad to be home. I’m still recovering as feet take forever to heal but I’m getting there. I start back to school on Monday. Thank you for praying for us. It means so much!
Good Evening,
Your blogs inspire me to pray more for you and your family. I didn’t realize how many things you have to deal with. I will pray more for Isabella.
I know that you don’t know much about me but I am so glad that we were able to meet. Believe me it was a miracle for things to work out as they did. Only The Lord could have made all things to happen that happened.
I am a simple country person. I am not well educated and I am thankful for that. I think to many people got too much education but not a lick of horse sense. I am dumb enough to believe God’s Word as it is written. If there is something I don’t understand it is because I was reading it with sinful eyes and a sinful heart. I don’t read the Bible anymore without much prayer and repenting beforehand. I don’t read other peoples books about God’s Word. I think Paul warned about the writing of other books. If God wants me to know what He means in His book, He will tell me. I just got to plow and weed for the seed of His word will fall on good ground. When I read I read out loud for “Faith cometh by hearing….”.
If I told you my life story you would cry your eyes out. My life as hard as it was and as sinful as I was prepared me to want to receive Jesus as my Lord and Savior.
Again, I am just a simple man. I truly believe that if God calls someone then He will provide for that work to be done. How, I don’t rightly know but I know He will!! See, it ain’t complicated for a simple man.
There is a lot I could share but that will come in time. I just want to let you know that I will pray for you, your family and your works. It is a good thing there is auto spell check on this machine. Otherwise you would need a dictionary to read this.
In Christ Our Lord,
Ruvy Joe McDaniel
a sinner unworthy of His Grace