Our first team of summer missionaries arrived in Gracias last night! Please be in prayer for them as they serve the next three weeks. Take a peek below to find out more about them!!!
My name is Javier. I’m 19 years old and this is my 4th year working with 61 Isaiah. I was a senior at Abundant Life a year ago, and I will start my sophomore year at Harding University in Arkansas in the fall. I’m double majoring in Finance and International Business. Eventually, I’m planning to get involve into politics and help my country. I’m very excited to be a summer missionary and help my people.
Courtney Weaver
Hi!! My name is Courtney Weaver! I’m 18 years old and live in Zavalla, Texas! I am attending Stephen F. Austin State University in the fall to pursue a major in Early Childhood Education and a minor in Spanish! I hope to become a Kindergarten teacher and am praying about where God would have me to do that! I have always had a heart for missions, and I feel that it is possible that God is calling me to teach in a mission field!
Emma Lehew

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