Getting My Feet Wet
I have been back in Honduras for over a month now. Things here are starting to seem normal again. I am getting the hang of my new job and feeling more comfortable with it, although I am barely getting my feet wet. There is a lot to learn and I am only scratching the surface. However, I am enjoying what I’ve learned and am excited to continue learning and growing.
During this past month, we had our first church team come down and serve. It was really cool to see them in action. They have partnered with us for a few years now so most of them had a good idea of what to do in the village. They went to different homes and made relationships with new people and followed up on relationships from the past years. It was awesome to see their love and joy for the people here. My role for this team was to shadow them and learn. I also helped prepare lunches for them while out in the village. Our next team comes this Monday and will be doing similar things. They will do home visits and also provide a dental clinic. I am excited to see how they will serve here with us!
Another highlight of my month was a visit from my sweet friend, Jaclyn. It was so rejuvenating having her here. I loved being able to show her around my town and show her what my work looks like here. It was also just so nice to have a familiar face encouraging me and pushing me to be my best.
School has been going well. I am only teaching 8th grade Bible and I love it! My 33 kiddos are the best.

Overall, the transition back into my life here has gone pretty well. The fundraising process is still continuing. I am still in need of support to continue staying and ministering here. Please contact me if you are interesting in learning more about how to support.
Thank you to those who take the time to follow up with me and pray for me, it truly means so much!
To be in prayer for:
- My 33 8th grade students, that they would open their hearts to God
- The team coming the week, that they would be able to serve well
- 61 Isaiah team unity as we continue to get to know each other
Thank you Hannah for doing great work there and glorifying God with your life! Say Hi to Josh Dykes for me. I pray for 61 Isaiah everyday!
He says hello back. 🙂