This young man is the essence of a humble servant. He isn’t the first kid you notice in a class but that doesn’t stop him from always doing the right thing, jumping in to help those around him and steadily leading by example. I can’t think of a more deserving kid to win a full-ride, very prestigious scholarship to the University of the Ozark’s through the Walton Foundation. He went through a rigorous application process that involved essays, videos, interviews and exams. He never complained about how much work it was. He did everything I asked of him right down to wearing a full suit in 95°F weather during his interview. In fact, he never complains, period. During one of his practice interviews, I asked him what the hardest part of growing up with a single mom was. Here was his chance to whine. But his response was pure thankfulness, “She had to be dad too. She taught me to shave. She taught me everything a man should know. I’m so thankful for her.” Pray for Jonathan as he heads to Arkansas to study agriculture and then returns to serve his country. He would never brag on himself but college essays are made for showcasing talent so read his essay below to know a bit about him and the awards he has received.
When I was ten years old my parents separated and from then until my first year in high school I was a very quiet guy. In seventh grade things started to change in my life. That year I had Bible class with a great teacher who led me to Christ. She showed me that sin not only takes place on the outside but also on the inside. With her teachings, I began to truly pray for the first time, and I realized that even though I am not the main character in the story, I am loved by God, and that is what really matters. Knowing this, I began making friends and playing all kinds of sports. In eighth grade I began serving in church on my own because I wanted to be part of it. When the school year ended I won three awards: an academic award for being on the honor roll, a sports award for my development in athletic activities, and the Christian Citizen Award for my joyful spirit, a solid testimony, and for serving others. Even with winning all kinds of awards, the end of that year contained not only smiles but tears as my favorite teacher left. I ended up learning that angels may guide your way, but they will not always stay after the message is received and understood.
Freshman & Sophomore Year
My freshman year was full of new experiences and activities. I won third place in the one thousand meters and third place in cross country for the national schools gathering. I was also part of a drama club and was cast as Cogsworth, the clock, from Beauty and the Beast. That year, I was also privileged to be in the third academic place of the school. My sophomore year was another amazing year because I began to uncover my dream career in a great biology class in which I began to care for nature. That same year I had the opportunity to translate for a medical brigade and missionaries for a week. I truly enjoyed it because I interacted with a lot of people as well as served them.
Learning From My Grandfather
During my junior year, I began spending a lot of time with my grandfather, learning from his wisdom. He taught me about agriculture. His discipline, courage, and his military experience showed me that teamwork is the basis of great work. I always want to remember his teachings because by learning how to work with a team I will also think about others, whether that be their needs or their goals. My senior year, because of the pandemic, I learned that what makes us enjoy life is not material stuff but having close relationships with our family and friends. I have spent a lot of time with my grandfather helping him plant: corn, trees, vegetables, and flowers. I love to do that with him because in those moments, he shows me how to serve others and teaches me that serving others is one of the keys to obtain success. He has taught me that if I am intelligent and get good grades but do not help others, I am not doing anything in this world. We are here to serve others with the abilities, gifts, and talents we are given.
My Goals
My goals are to serve people by using nature, agriculture, and biology. I want to go to college and learn everything about these amazing topics. Apart from acquiring knowledge about biochemistry, I want to experience how to study, take care of, and modify a plant using technology. Getting good grades is one of my academic goals because, in some way, grades will reflect my effort and learning. Earning a bachelor’s degree is another of my academic goals, but I do want to continue my education and be prepared in all possible ways on how to put my knowledge into practice and be ready to help others. When I get a job I want to be responsible and disciplined so that my work can be done well. I will help my country, Honduras, whose economy is based mainly on agriculture. I want to help them by doing experiments to make plants stronger, more resistant to plagues, and increase production. I want to be useful to my country and its natural wonders.
Shaped by Experiences & Wisdom
I have experienced interesting challenges and opportunities that have shaped me today. Everything started by accepting Christ as my savior. The essence of happiness is not material things but relationships with others. Serving others by using biology and chemistry is not only part of my career goals but of my life goals. My grandfather has influenced me to share not only knowledge but also my time and energy energy.
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