Today we see cute little sayings everywhere, signs for our home, t-shirts, social media, and memes are all everyday occurrences now. One of my favorites is, “It’s a Good Day to Have a Good Day”. It is a sign that hangs in my sister’s home as a reminder that we need to be positive and choose to have a good day. This is absolutely true, and I have been working on this very idea in my own life. Along the way however, I have also realized that the Lord gives us opportunities to help others have a good day as well.
The Lord calls us to be encouragers. As Paul spoke to the church in Thessalonica, he said in chapter five verse 11, “Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.” It is so vital that we make a concerted effort to encourage and build up others. It can be as small as complimenting someone on their outfit or hair when you see them. Sometimes the Lord calls us to seek out others to encourage them in the work they are doing or come alongside them to help them along. I feel like we as a society are bombarded with ideas like: be positive, think good thoughts, choose to be happy, etc. I realized that if I was encouraged by a quick comment, or thoughtful call from a friend, that I could easily spread and share encouragement as well.
“It costs $0 to be a nice person,” was an expression that spread a few years ago. This is absolutely true, but it also costs $0 to spread kindness and encouragement wherever you go. I truly believe that a kind word or gesture could make more of an impact than we may ever know, and it costs us no money and possibly just a few minutes of our day. Paul encourages us in Ephesians 4:29, “Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.” We are cautioned throughout Scripture to be careful of the words we allow to flow from our mouths.
Words are incredibly powerful tools, that we often use in flippant ways, but tools we can choose to use for
encouragement. I do think it is a conscious and decisive choice to seek ways to encourage others. If the Lord brings someone to your heart, pray for them, and then send a quick message letting them know you were thinking of them and praying for them. The Lord may be using you to uplift that person who is feeling down. While it may seem like an insignificant gesture to you, it may be a much bigger gesture for the other person.
We are in mission team season here at 61 Isaiah, and I had the honor and pleasure of working with my first team. What stood out to me the most was what incredible encouragers they are. This group encouraged their partner church and its members, one another and me! It was so fun to sit back and watch as they spread joy everywhere they went. The people in the village were met with huge smiles and words of affirmation and encouragement. In many ways, they inspired this blog post.
As I sat back and observed, I saw the joy they spread to those around them. I saw tears of joy as they felt their fellow brothers and sisters in Christ joining alongside them as they struggled through trials. It was a beautiful sight to see as the Church came together from different parts of the globe with a singular focus of sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ. If we could all spend our day intentionally seeking to encourage others, this world would be a better place.
We are all on our journeys, living out our lives one day at a time, and we often do not know what our fellow man is going through. Take the time to be an encourager, however big or small. One small act of kindness can make great impact in the life of another. Share the love and encouragement of Christ in all things. It will always be a good day to help someone else have a good day.
Great reminder to be kind and encouraging on the daily! Make someone smile each day! Love your heart Michelle and glad we found out how fun adventures wacky you can be!