“Am I allowed to feel this happy?” I asked myself as I walked to the office this morning. The air was fresh and crisp, and the morning sun threw everything into vibrant color. Life didn’t feel real.
Happiness and I have a complicated relationship. There have been many seasons in life where joy felt far away. Whether it was loneliness, fear, melancholy, or frustration that became my fixation in those seasons, it kept the joy at bay. There have been times when my only prayer was, “Father, I just want to be happy again.”
Back in July Micah and I found out we were pregnant. Let me tell you, that news brought a flood of emotions. It was not a surprise, we had been talking about having kids for the past several months, but I couldn’t quite wrap my mind around the gravity of what was happening inside of me.
You might think that with a reality like new life, happiness was overwhelming, and there was a strong sense of excitement, but what I didn’t expect was that fears and anxieties were also sitting at my door.

Fears multiplied more than I let the joy abound. I was afraid of the pregnancy, afraid of having a miscarriage, afraid of birth, afraid of motherhood, afraid of changing, afraid of becoming someone and something new, afraid I wouldn’t like what the future held.
I was afraid.
And there was a season that I felt far from joy. Fear and anxiety were close friends to me. They were easier to invite in than to keep out. I didn’t care enough to keep them out. There was something strangely comforting to me about their dark presence. They sat at my table, they ate and drank until my storehouse was depleted, and they left no room for joy.
It is easier to play the victim than to face the fears that cripple you. So I let them overcome me.
I didn’t even realize what was happening. The enemy likes to work slowly and secretly. I didn’t realize how much I had blocked out the truth of the Lord until I realized how much I had changed. I was suspicious of everyone. Jealousy crept in. Kind gestures had sinister motives. Friends became enemies. The things that should have brought joy made me anxious. My capacity to love others disappeared. I boxed myself up. I hid my heart.
I didn’t like that version of me, but fear and anxiety had such a strong hold on me, I no longer knew what it looked like to live without the gloom. The path they were dragging me towards was not a path I wanted to go down, but I felt powerless to stop it.
“Father, I just want to be happy again.”
God spoke to me in that season through a children’s book, The Very Hungry Caterpillar. The Very Hungry Caterpillar, in his season of growth, decides that instead of eating nourishing fruit and leaves he would rather eat junk food. And before he realizes it, he is sick.
I felt like that hungry caterpillar. In a season of growth I had consumed my junk emotions and let them overcome me. I was sick. I was hungry for something good, but I had let the wrong things fill me. In the story, the caterpillar goes back to eating leaves before he becomes a chrysalis and then transforms into a beautiful butterfly.
God gave me the image of the butterfly, the transformation from one degree of glory to the next.
“This is what you are becoming. I am taking you from one degree of glory to the next. I know you are scared. I know you fear the transformation. I know you have doubts, but do you trust me?”

In that moment, I realized that it was I who was holding onto the fear and anxiety. I had given them power over me. I let them go. I didn’t need them to tell me who I was anymore. The father held his hand out to me and I took it. It was time for me to trust Him.
Life is less than perfect. Do I still have days that I get anxious? Absolutely. There are still worries that hang around finances, family, and the future. There are still questions that have no answers. I could easily choose to hold onto fear and anxiety. I could let those fears and worries overcome me. But as a believer, that does not have to be my portion.
“The Lord is at hand; do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 4:5-7).
Hold onto God. He is near. Trust him. Give your fears and anxieties to him and it will bring you joy and peace. When you do, your heart is protected against worry and anxiety. There is no room for them when Joy sits at your table.
“Am I allowed to feel this happy?” The answer is yes. Joy is your portion. As a believer, God desires for us to be filled with joy. When we trust in him, we lack nothing. He will lead us to green pastures and still waters. He will restore our souls until we are overflowing. True Joy comes when we have complete trust in Him.
I love this! Jesus gives joy that only he can give and he will provide one day at a time. Motherhood is an amazing venture. Embrace it!
Thanks for the article. It was much needed
Wow Lindsey, what honesty you shared. We are not always feeling “victorious” in life but we are. The growth that comes from these moments is blessed by God. Thank you. Tell Micah to get to work.