Micah’s Story
There is no shortage of material to write on to introduce y’all to Lindsey and I for one as verbose as myself, but if you want the long version of this story you’ll have to let us brew you a good mug of coffee sometime. The quickest way to explain why we have decided to leave the God-blessed state of Texas for Honduras is that we both fell in love with Jesus early in life, and that sort of pursuit has a way of making life interesting. I can’t speak for Lindsey as well as Lindsey can speak for Lindsey, so I’ll let
her explain what God was doing pre-handsome intelligent husband.

As for my own testimony it’s one of those boring ones…then again, if you want the crazy parts we will need a few good mugs of coffee. Suffice it to say I was saved around five years of age when I accepted the altar call of my pastor father, while even then being a bit stubborn. Mom, the hero pastor and mother of five, was holding me by the soundboard in the back of our little Indiana church because I was being bad. When dad asked us to come forward something clicked in my little red head. I wanted to follow Jesus just like my dad did. Ever since, I have wanted to go into some type of full-time vocational ministry like my parents.
As a boy growing up in Indiana I wanted to be a farmer, but when we moved to the mountains of northern Arizona to pastor a new church plant I felt a different call. At twelve I read about the great reformers of the church in America and I decided the U.S. was ripe for revival. I had a plan to pursue this revival through joining the U.S. Army Special Forces, but at fifteen I felt called away from that vision of mine. All the while I still loved ranching and farming, but my spirit thirsted for revival and I would pursue nothing else. At fifteen I felt a call to Pro-Life ministry, and I believed by awakening the church to the atrocity of abortion we could revitalize the American church and spark revival. That may still be true, but God was using that desire to bring me to Texas. I went to Houston Baptist University in the hopes of pursuing a newly developing degree in Bioethics, but that program never got off the ground. In lieu of a
Bioethics degree I pursued a degree in Philosophy with a minor in Spanish while founding a Pro-Life club on campus. I believed I needed to know Spanish to effectively teach on Pro-Life issues in the States, not even remembering Honduras existed at this point. My involvement with my club got me a paid internship with Texas Right to Life, and until my last semester at HBU I believed I would be working full-time there right now. But I’m not because, like I said, loving Jesus has a way of making life interesting.
The most interesting thing to date was realizing I loved Lindsey on a night when I had a date with another girl the next morning and was actively trying to set Lindsey up with one of my best friends. That night, after being unsure about the date with my buddy, she realized the same thing as me and crazy started for real. By my last semester I had worked two summers on a ranch pulling 60 plus hours a week to buy Lindsey a ring and we were engaged. But let’s let Lindsey catch up.

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