“One of the greatest obstacles to escaping poverty is the staggering cost of higher education.”
-Chris Van Hollen
We all know this truth. College is expensive. We also know that for those who want to attend university, there are ways to pay for it, i.e. loans, scholarships, work study, etc. However, this is not the case for our students dreaming of attending university in the US. I would like to introduce you to Rosa. She has translated for many of you on your trips here. Her dream is to be a RN and to serve people. I have no doubt that she will serve people because that is where her heart is. But her dreams of being an RN may not happen. She has been accepted to Navarro College, which has three campuses, Waxahachie, Corsicana and Midlothian. Although she had a family who was willing to let her live with them, this fell through. The cost of the dorms now doubles the amount her parents will need to educate her. This means that without a family willing to take her in, she will not be able to attend university in the US. While she can go to school here, the education and opportunities are not as great, especially for females. In the years that I have taught here, I have met few students who equal Rosa with the drive, the heart and the desire to do what is right. I believe this young lady can do great things for her family, her country and her brothers and sisters in Christ if given the opportunity. Please join me in prayer that God will open the door for the perfect family to host Rosa.