Over a year ago I wrote a blog about prayer that talked about the feeling of watching prayers answered. But what happens when we whisper in His ear on behalf of others. Do we get to see his answer? I am not just talking about the prayers for your brothers or neighbors but those whispered on the streets when burdened for the haggard mom or the elderly man that is struggling. Often we don’t see the results of those prayers but as someone who is on the receiving end of these prayer requests, may I beg you to not give up interceding. After ending one of our hardest and busiest years in ministry, I received multiple messages from strangers… yes, strangers… that they are praying for us. They will never know if their requests are answered and yet they continue to pray. This is humbling and yet so encouraging to know that they, along with all of you are praying for us. While you may never see how God answers your prayers for us, we need you to pray. We need you to climb in our Father’s lap and talk to him… about us… our family, our ministry, our lives. When Satan is at his strongest, it is through your prayers that we are made strong enough to fight. It is through your prayers that we are able to continue to hear his heartbeat for the Honduran people. When we have little fight left, it is through your prayers that we gain strength to carry-on. We are not alone in this. Every Christian is in this same battle. We all need the prayers of other believers. It is with this in mind that I quote Paul when writing to Philemon, “I thank my God always when I remember you in my prayers, because I hear of your love and of the faith that you have toward the Lord Jesus and for all the saints… For I have derived much joy and comfort from your love, my brother, because the hearts of the saints have been refreshed through you.”
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