When I was about to graduate high school I was trying to figure out what was next in my life, where I needed to go, and what God wanted me to do. God answered my prayers by opening doors, and I was able to go to college to get a degree in hospitality and work with 61 Isaiah ministries. Little did I know the blessing and the family I was getting myself into.

It’s been almost 7 years since I joined the ministry. I have no idea the amount of sermons I translated, the amount of time I spent with pastors and their families, the amount of visits I made to hospitals or clinics with families from communities, The amount of preparation we did for teams, or the amount of laughing I did in so many places with so many people. My last 7 years brought me so much spiritual growth. I have learned by not just reading the Bible or listening to sermons, but by seeing people living their faith and showing what it really means to love people and their families well.
2022 was a hard year, a year that truly made me face my fears, and my faith. So many things changed, I was graduating from college, and again I had to ask God what was next. I can say with all certainty that the past 7 years have been an awesome journey. A journey that has given me a second great family, friends far away joined in prayer, and a great spiritual growth that prepared me to face the world and my journey ahead in a whole different way than I would have faced it years ago.

Many of you may wonder what is next. My next step is to attend flight attendant school in San Pedro Sula. After that, I will be seeking the Lord’s direction for a position in the airline industry. I am so grateful to take all of the skills I have learned in the ministry to this new field. The hours spent serving others and meeting them in their good times and bad times will help me to better serve and see the needs of people I will meet every day.
Working in ministry, I have come to realize that all people have basic needs to hear about our Lord and Savior, and to be loved, cared for, and accepted. I will have the opportunity to be this for countless people and I look forward to see how God will use me.

The past seven years have been full of ups and downs and many twists and turns. I’d like to leave you some of my favorite memories that will hopefully make you laugh.
Teaching Shannon Spanish is one of my favorite things to do. Primero (first) because I’m not good at explaining rules, Segundo (Second) because accents are hard for English speakers, and tercero(third) because many words sound so similar and it’s hard to pronounce them right. Also, feel free to ask Shannon about the tercera (third) reason.
In 7 years of visiting pastors and their families in the communities my name is still not remembered by them, in fact, I gained some more names. I am the translator, the girl that comes with Shannon, Iveth, Iris, Cindy, la hermana, (the sister). Most of the time I answered to anything because I knew they couldn’t remember my name.
During my time in the ministry I developed an awesome gift that I know came from the Lord because He knows how much I like to sleep. I can sleep in the car up or down the mountain anytime. Bumps don’t bother me, I just need to find a good spot and game over.

Translating sermons has helped me gain a lot of knowledge and not specifically by just knowing the word, but by saying a word that is not the right one and saying something completely different in the middle of a sermon. After a lot of mistakes I decided that some English words were not going to be in my vocabulary. Some words you mispronounce and it becomes a VERY different word altogether. I rather explain to people what it is and have them say the word.

These memories and experiences I will have forever. Thank you all for your love and support over the last seven years. I will not forget you and the experiences we shared. I pray you will continue to lift me up in prayer as I follow the path before me, as I will continue to pray for you and the work of 61 Isaiah Ministry.
My 61 Isaias team is the bomb diggity bomb!