61 Isaiah is excited to announce that Allan has joined our team as a translator! If you’ve come to Honduras you may have met him as a translator for your team, but if not we wanted to give you the chance to get to know him.
Hey guys, my name is Allan. But you can call me Allen Adam Pipo or something like that! I consider myself a Jack of all trades, and if I can’t do it I know someone who can. Whenever someone has a problem I have a friend or I know someone who can help us with almost everything. Right now I am taking university courses to become a lawyer. I want to be a lawyer so that I can help people from my country and maybe even from outside of Honduras.
I grew up in Gracias, went to Abundant Life Christian School, and helped my family a lot with their local businesses. I recently graduated from Abundant Life Christian School in June of 2022. 61 Isaiah partners with ALCS and teaches Bible classes and devotionals. The school is how I first met the ministry, but I was not really interested in what was going on. Then later I learned more about what 61 was doing and the people involved in it, and I got interested. They cared about Honduras like I did.

I got involved by going to villages with Josh whenever I had any free time. Then trying to help the ministry in anything I could while still in school. I’ve had a rough relationship with God through my youth, but In the past few years I accepted Christ and my relationship with God has improved. The people in 61 Isaiah were a big part of leading me to Christ, and even though I’m a little hard headed, they didn’t give up on me. If you want to know my whole story you’ll have to come down to Honduras and ask!
I decided to work with 61 Isaiah because I felt God calling me to be a part of their ministry. With their guidance and help, I think I could be better than on my own. 61 Isaiah feels like a family where you can take care of other people but also be taken care of. My Job in the ministry is to translate and be a jack of all trades. I fill in the gaps or necessities. I mainly help two days a week with two village communities from Lempira, but I also do a little bit of everything else too.
Working with 61 Isaiah has been one of the biggest opportunities I’ve had in my life to get to know God, my country, and my people better. I also have learned to be patient and to be more humble. I have learned to glorify God in daily life and not anyone else.
I look forward to meeting y’all and building a stronger and better relationship in order to share the gospel together. I am glad 61 Isaiah has walked with me, and I can’t wait to walk with you.