October 18th, 2021 we moved to a foreign country. By October 2023 Honduras became our home. We had no idea when we first arrived what God was going to do in those two years, but God’s plan is always better than our own. If you’ve been to Honduras, you know how the beauty, culture, lifestyle, smiles, food, and hospitality overwhelms you and is liable to fill your heart to the brim. Well imagine what it’s like to live there… and one day with tears in your eyes say, “See you later.”
We really wouldn’t have left if it weren’t for God’s call because the once foreign place, became our place. 61 Isaiah, Rio de Dios, Hugo and Susan, Antonio, Conce, Isaac, aldea friends, Villa Verde friends, ALCS students, and ALCS teachers all made it home.
October 20th, 2023 we moved back to the states and stepped into a new chapter as a couple, and right now, we feel a little homeless. Oddly enough when a place begins to feel like home – comfortable and familiar – God calls us to move. I’m constantly reminded that this is okay. This place and world is not our home… Paul the apostle repeats often in his letters to the churches that we are aliens… that our citizenship is in heaven… and we seek the city that is to come (Philippians 3:20, Hebrews 13:14, 1 Peter 2:11).
These “homes” have never been our home but temporary residing places… I’m grateful that God allows us to experience little pieces of the home that we long await in heaven. What a day that will be to finally feel at home like never before. It is unimaginable.
God is so good and I don’t think He’s done being good just yet! (Spoiler: He’s never not good).
We have so many good, hard, exciting, heart-breaking, emotional, and powerful stories from our time living in Honduras. God has been so good, and we are better because God has allowed us to walk with 61 Isaiah Ministries.